Since that post, I noticed a few more situations I omitted about pedestrian buttons. These examples are all at the edge of Centretown or just outside it.
Outside the fancy new Ottawa Convention Centre at Colonel By Drive and Daly on the other side of the Rideau Canal, some of the concrete pavers are lined up with grooves in the middle. This is an accessibility feature so that the visually impaired can safely direct themselves to the crosswalk safely, and stop before getting to the edge. The grooves in poured concrete sidewalks perform the same function (and most streets that have precast pavers for sidewalks will use a concrete pad at the intersection to provide these accessibility features). Can you see the problem?
But at least at that intersection, the button is necessary for anyone to use the crosswalk—not just the visually impaired—so at least there's someone else there to activate the crossing signal. As mentioned in the May entry, this is discernible by the sign above the button on the pole. If our blind pedestrian is lucky, the sighted pedestrian will press the button for three or more seconds, activating the audible signal, instead of just the quick press required to request the crossing.
By contrast, there are some crosswalks that activate automatically every cycle and don't require a button to be pressed. Many of these crosswalks still have buttons so that the visually impaired can activate the sounds that tell them when they have the light. Here's another problematic example at Bronson and Gladstone:
For crossings that only change when someone pushes the button, I mentioned in the Convention Centre example above that a sighted person might press the button long enough to activate the audible signal. This would be likely, since most pedestrians don't realize they needed to press the button until they notice the cars in their direction getting a green light without the accompanying walk signal. In that case, people tend to press the hell out of the buttons, to be sure they don't get stuck waiting through a second signal cycle.
If you want to see this process in action, go the the intersection of Portage and Wellington, which recently had crosswalks installed. Where the new Segregated Bicycle Lane meets the crosswalk, there is a pocket to (theoretically) dismount your bike, turn it toward the crosswalk, and walk it across (in reality, people just ride through the crosswalk).
A month after it opened, I walked this intersection with a gaggle of road, cycling and traffic planners and engineers from the City and the NCC to look at ways to iron out the kinks. The solution to this particular problem was that they would replace the tiny signs next to the buttons that have a walk symbol and push button to indicate that pedestrians need to press the button to cross, with different-but-nearly-identical tiny signs that have a walk symbol and a cyclist and a push button to indicate that pedestrians and cyclists need to press the button to cross.
That's traffic engineers for you. To them, the problem isn't that people neither see the sign nor recognize what it means, the problem is that it's the wrong sign. I suggested they put in a detector loop under the end of the crosswalk to automatically request the signal when a bike is on top of the loop, but that didn't go anywhere (maybe I should have pressed the engineers' buttons?)
Lest I end on too cynical a note, here's a positive one: the post at the northeast corner of Booth Street and the Transitway, at LeBreton Station, is behind a guard rail. You'd have to reach pretty far to press a button on that post. So instead they've put a second post much nearer the sidewalk, with an extension from the main post.
As with the original No ifs, ands or buttons post, I'm not trying to defend the engineers or their pedestrians-last reasons for designing these buttons this way. I'm only trying to describe the way they are, so you can prepare yourself to cross!
See also this CityLab article on pedestrian buttons in the U.S.
[Tune in on Wednesdays at noon for a new pedestrian-themed blog post. View the Pedestrians label for previous Peds on Weds posts]
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