
Friday, April 13, 2012

Cooper Street jump

These are two houses on Cooper Street, between Lyon and Bay. The house on the right is Whelan Funeral Home at 515 Cooper. The house on the left is a house numbered 611 Cooper. Across the street, 514 Cooper and 610 Cooper are also neighbours.

While many people lament the inconsistency of Centretown's house numbering from block to block (at least there's a reason for that—namely, that some streets start at the Canal or Elgin, while others start at Bank), this big jump in numbers must surely cause some confusion for people searching for these addresses. It probably doesn't help that Cooper is one way in descending numerical order.

The direcitons that Whelan Funeral Home gives on its website avoid mention of the numbering, and probably for good reason (though they may want to adjust their suggested route now that Bronson is closed for construction).

[Look for more one-photo posts under the label Singles]

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