
Friday, December 9, 2011

Truck Pie

The Centropolis condo building under construction has had its share of controversy. Settling that has rendered the neighbouring building uninhabitable has been the most controversial, but I've been frequently frustrated by the debris, dirt, mud, gravel, and other obustructions strewn through the neighbourhood.

So with all that, I just had to laugh when I saw this.

[Look for more one-photo posts under the label Singles]


  1. Great example of poor work should publicize the name of the contractor doing the work.

    I bike past the new federal building under construction at 22 Eddy St. in Gatineau and have noticed a planned 'cement truck clean-up station' near the site. This is a location where trucks who have completed a delivery can hose down their chute....into a container with filter cloth that screens out the cement to prevent fouling the sewer.

    I wonder if this is a Gatineau municipal condition, a PWGSC contract condition or just good practice by an experienced large construction company (Broccolini in this case)?

  2. Broccolini tends to build to LEED environmental standards, one of which is to not allow construction materials, dirt, or debris to spill out of the worksite. Since so many major recent projects have been aiming for LEED, projects that make messes tend to stand out more.
