
Monday, April 4, 2011

uOttawa - Montpetit building

I snapped this photo back in February when the sun was at just the right angle to light up the desks inside the offices of the Montpetit building at the University of Ottawa. With this lighting, you can almost imagine the architect's rendering of how the building would look when the slant-window office structure was proposed. Each window is a different office, and no two are alike!

It looks like a cross-section of a cubicle farm, or the office equivalent of a Japanese hotel. Most people have the backs of their desks facing the window, with computer cables dangling in the window. I don't think that was in the architect's drawings!

[Look for more one-photo posts under the label Singles]


  1. I like this photo! Interesting shot of the building!

  2. I like the campus. When I was in Ottawa people always put it down. Here in Waterloo we have a monstrosity of a university campus...Nobody seems to realize it.
