
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Upcoming meetings and events in Centretown - including tonight!

The following message was sent to the e-mail list of the Centretown Citizens Community Association early this morning. Join the CCCA and get on the e-mail list to receive 2-3 updates per month from the CCCA. Note that Images of Centretown is my personal blog and not a blog of the CCCA.

Dear CCCA members and followers,

There are some important meetings coming up in the next couple of weeks:

Tonight, Wednesday, March 23, 7-9pm
Public meeting on 224 Lyon (at Gloucester) development

7pm, Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier (Richmond Room)

The CCCA has already submitted comments lauding many positive aspects of the plan, but asking that the height and setback limits not be increased. The CCCA has also asked that mature trees removed for this development be replaced by more trees (on site or elsewhere), asking for visitor parking to be included, and asking that, if the City grants the height increase, that it seek a Section 37 agreement for the increased density.

The City of Ottawa has more information on this proposal here:

Other rezoning applications
That is not the only rezoning application on the table at the moment. There are currently 7 of them in the works in Centretown, which have a current total of approximately 61 storeys in the existing zoning, and the total requests come out to 75 additional storeys (over 100%
increase!). Many of these developments are summarized in the agenda for last week's CCCA meeting (download the agenda from

You can also visit and search for applications in Somerset ward to see the various documents for each application.

Wednesday, March 29, 2011, 7-9pm, Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier
Public meeting re: changes to OC Transpo routes

OC Transpo is conducting a "route optimization" to meet the cost reductions already approved for the City's 2011 budget. Come out to the meeting to find out how your service will be affected. For example the City proposes a reshuffling of routes on Bronson and Preston.

See a list of proposed changes by route and a summary of downtown proposals (click on the black text in the "see proposal" column for more details and maps)

proposed routes for Preston and Bronson

Wednesday, April 6, 2011, 9:30am, Ottawa City Hall, Champlain Room
Patios near residential areas
Decades ago, after many patios opened up near residential areas, the City instituted a rule that patio applications would be rejected if the applicant is seeking to put their patio on the City's right-of-way (e.g. in the case of a wide sidewalk) and the patio would be within 30 metres of a residential area. Earlier this year, one patio application at MacLaren and Elgin, which had been rejected years ago because of this rule, was granted by the City's transportation committee. A second one at the same corner (the application was also rejected years ago) will be coming to Transportation Committee on April 6. Both of these patios are within 30 metres of a residential area. For this reason, the CCCA has opposed patios on City of Ottawa property at MacLaren and Elgin. You can contact your councillor and members of the
Transportation Committee, or you can present to Transportation Committee. The people who moved in to the nearby residences did so with an understanding that the City would not allow patios within 30 metres of their residence.

The City is also conducting a review of how it deals with this type of application. They are looking at removing the 30-metre rule altogether. More details are on pages 15 and 17 of the March 2011 CCCA meeting agenda (download it from While these applications have been going to Transportation Committee because it deals with the road right-of-way, it is really a licensing issue and should be going to the Licensing Committee.

Minto Park Sale
June 18, 2011, 8am-2pm, Minto Park
CCCA Barbecue 11am-1pm
The Minto Park Sale, organized by Councillor Holmes' office, is coming back again this year, and will be held on June 18. The CCCA will be doing its third annual Minto Park Sale BBQ, with yours truly as grillmaster once again. Proceeds from the BBQ in the last two years were split between the CCCA and the designated cause for that year (The Well/La Source in 2010, Cambridge Street Elementary Kindergarten Play Structure Fund in 2009).

There is an organizing meeting coming up for the Minto Park Sale on March 30. If you'd like to help out with either the BBQ or the Sale itself, please contact (for the CCCA BBQ) and/or (for the Sale)

Upcoming CCCA meetings:
The CCCA home page is kept current for upcoming meetings of the CCCA Board and its committees (all of which are public meetings held in accessible locations). Upcoming meetings include:

CCCA Planning & Development Review Committee meeting, Monday, April 11, 2011, 5:30pm (City Hall, Richmond Room)

CCCA Transportation Committee meeting, Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 5:30pm (meet at Bridgehead on Elgin, then go elsewhere if no space)

CCCA Board of Directors meeting, Tuesday, April 19, 2011, 7pm (City Hall, Honeywell Room)

The Seniors Committee, Trees & Greenspace Committee, and Communications & Membership Committee are also all active. E-mail if you'd like to get involved with any of them.

Lastly, we encourage you to help distribute the Centretown Buzz newspaper. Contact if you're willing to spend one hour per month getting a nice walk around a few blocks of the neighbourhood.

Thank you again for your interest and support. If you haven't already, download and print the CCCA membership form and get your friends and neighbours to join the CCCA. A strong community association is the backbone of a healthy community.


Charles Akben-Marchand
Centretown Citizens Community Association (CCCA)

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