
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sens Mile 2010

The first time they did Sens Mile on Elgin street (when the Senators were in the semi-finals), every time the Senators won, you couldn't get to sleep if you lived on a major road (Somerset, Gladstone, etc.) because people would honk their car horns as they drove the first few kilometres from Elgin Street--as late as 1 am!

Thankfully things were quieter after the Sens' 5-4 win last night, possibly because it was a week night.

The above is a photo of City crews installing a "Sens Mile" street sign on the South-West corner of Elgin at Somerset yesterday. Today they were installing the one at the North-East corner (among many others, I'm sure!).

Whether you like it or not, Elgin is very definitely Ottawa's Hockey Street.

[Look for more one-photo posts under the label Singles]


  1. Ottawa was positively sleepy compared to Edmonton in the playoffs. If we make it much farther, I'm sure it will get noisy by public servant standards, but it's not like there's nightly riots, spontaneous parades and bonfires in the middle of the street.

  2. I lived on Slater in 2007 when we went to the Finals. The noise continued well past 2 am... honking, screaming, yelling, cheering.

    But it was pretty cool hearing all the celebrations during goals from all the different apartments nearby!

  3. I lived on Slater in 2007 when we went to the Finals. The noise continued well past 2 am... honking, screaming, yelling, cheering.

    But it was pretty cool hearing all the celebrations during goals from all the different apartments nearby!

  4. Allison you'll also have to remember that the city of Edmonton shut the whole thing down after the frequent stabbings, violence, and general mayhem. Things just got out of hand (including bonfires in the street).

    It was less about celebrating a team and a city, and more about getting drunk and causing havoc.
