
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Photos: Hold the line rally reprise

The group Our Ottawa organized a rally today to oppose expansion of the urban boundary. More details in this Citizen article.

Among the speakers, Ecology Ottawa's Graham Saul made an excellent and impassioned speech:

The crowds were not too bad for a snowy Wednesday noon in February:

More photos here: centretown.ottawa/HoldTheLineRepriseRally20100224

...also, if this rally sounds familiar, it's because Council already decided this issue back in June. There was even a rally, on May 12th:

A number of councillors were at last year's rally, and many of them spoke. Councillors Cullen and Jellett were both in the crowd at the rally today.

Photos from that rally are at HoldTheLineRallyForASustainableOttawaOnUrbanSprawl

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